NUFORC UFO Sighting 1927
Occurred: 1971-02-15 00:00 LocalReported: 1997-01-05 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Everglades (on Aligator Alley), FL, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
SUMMARY: Sighted while driving across the Alley
It was about midnight and a UFO crossed the highway in front of me at very low altitude. It was about 30 to 50 feet in diameter andgoing extremely fast.
About one second behind it was an Air Force jet fighter. The UFO was traveling much faster than the jet. They were so low that had it been daylight I could have read any markings on the jet.
The UFO glowed very brightly and was the color of fluorescentl ight tubes.
This is all I know.
Yes, I realize 26 years is a long time, but I thought itmight help verify someone else's sighting.
Posted 2002-11-20
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