NUFORC UFO Sighting 1919

Occurred: 1997-01-01 07:00 Local
Reported: 1997-01-02 00:00 Pacific
Duration: around 10 mins
No of observers: 2

Location: Jamestown, ND, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object

SUMMARY: The object was around the size of a small car it changed shape and light color and pattern as it moved. it was silent. 15-20mph

1 object that was moving between 15-20mph andfrom 10 to 80 yards off the ground. It was silent and got within maybe ten yards of me.It changed shape and light color and pattern seemingly in relationship to how it moved. Itseemed to move very fluidly. The lights werein the pattern of a sphere, a rectangle, atri-angle. and others....some lights were bright white to tingy yellow, red and electric blue. It eventually went north and left us.




We have corrected the date here.

Dear peter,
I remember talking to you the night that I reported this, you had just been on Coast to Coast I think a night or two before. This is the first time I've checked out your website and I'd like to thank you for the wonderful job you are doing here. Unfortunately I noticed an error. the report is copied below:
Occurred : 2/26/1997 07:00 (Entered as : 6:30 - 7:30)
Reported : 1/2/1997 01:03
Posted : 3/7/1998
Location : Jamestown, ND
Shape : Changing
SUMMARY: The object was around the size of a small car it changed shape and light color and pattern as it moved. it was silent. 15-20mph

1 object that was moving between 15-20mph andfrom 10 to 80 yards off the ground. It was silent and got within maybe ten yards of me.It changed shape and light color and pattern seemingly in relationship to how it moved. Itseemed to move very fluidly. The lights werein the pattern of a sphere, a rectangle, atri-angle. and others....some lights were bright white to tingy yellow, red and electric blue. It eventually went north and left us.

If you notice, it says that the event occurred on 2-26-97 and was reported on 1-2-97, now if that were true it would be almost as fantastic as what I saw!! :)
In actually the event itself occured on 1-1-97. Please check your records and make the appropriate changes. Thanks again for all your work.

If you need verification of my identity just reply my e-mail and I will be happy to provide any info you need.

Thank you,
signature deleted))

Posted 2001-10-12

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