NUFORC UFO Sighting 18933
Occurred: 2001-08-12 00:35 LocalReported: 2001-08-11 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15-30 sec.
No of observers: 1
Location: Halifax (Canada), NS, Canada
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail
a fast, silent, bright flare-like light with constant velocity, trajectory and brightness
Sunday, Aug. 12, 2001.
To whom it may concern:
At about 12:35 AM, I was just about to go inside after watering my plants and lawn when my eye was attracted to a bright mobile object appearing from the North over my neighbour's roof. For 15-30 seconds or so, it sped across the clear sky in a straight line, leaving a substantial tail which dissipated fairly quickly as it crossed. At first I thought it was a Navy type flare that some yahoo had set off for a lark. It was the same size as such a flare and had the same velocity as those I have seen set off around here on New Year's Eve. However, the light was a very bright white, not orange or purple. After its rapid, soundless progress almost directly overhead, it disappeared from my view plane behind trees and a bright streetlight, having maintained its constant speed, trajectory, and brightness throughout. I have no idea what it could have been, though I suspect that it was a large meteor or a piece of space junk re-entering the atmosphere. It was probably nothing out of the ordinary, but it would be reassuring to have it identified. Please let me know if you have heard anything about it. I can't believe that I was the only one who witnessed it. It was a real thrill!
Posted 2001-08-12
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