NUFORC UFO Sighting 18927

Occurred: 2001-07-25 03:00 Local
Reported: 2001-08-12 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Asseteague Island State Park, MD, USA

Shape: Light

We observed a triangular formation of three lights moving in a straight line, in a north by northeasterly direction.

A motor development teacher, his son and his son's wife, observed what might best be described as three satellites moving across the sky in a north by northeasterly direction. The objects moved together as a unit, although, there was no apparent physical link between the three objects. If anyone has an explanation for this phenomenon, I would love to know what it is or might be.


We observe that the description is somewhat reminiscent of the U. S. Navy "N.O.S.S." satellites that are frequently reported to our Center. However, they almost certainly would not be visible at 0300 hrs. local time, and they certainly would not remain visible for 20 minutes to witnesses on the ground. We share the sense of confusion the witnesses express over the incident. PD

Posted 2001-08-12

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