NUFORC UFO Sighting 18909

Occurred: 2001-08-03 18:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2001-08-09 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 to 15 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Woodinville, WA, USA

Shape: Circle

Saw 6 white, round objects in the sky in 2 formations of 3 each.

While I was driving I saw 6 objects in the sky in the distance. They were in 2 groups of 3 in a chevron, like an airplane formation. They were round and flat, like a disk or frisbee. From the distance I'd say they were roughly small ariplane sized. I was struck by how solid they appeared, at first I thought it could be glare or refelection, but they had a substance to them. The sun was shining brightly through the clouds from the oposite side of the sky (from my perspective) But they didn't have any reflective qualities, just soft white in color with no markings. They seemed to be moving, not very fast, but moving. They went behind some clouds and then I didn't see them anymore. I've never seen a UFO before and I'm not compelled one way or the other with "UFO's" but I did see something that I couldn't identify. I saw them clearly enough to say that they weren't like any other aircraft I've even seen before.


Precise date apparently is unknown by the witness. PD

Posted 2001-08-12

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