NUFORC UFO Sighting 18875
Occurred: 2001-07-23 22:00 LocalReported: 2001-08-07 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Grove city, OH, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
Very bright light at a high rate of speed ... stopped for 5 seconds... shot off in a different sound...sceptical witnes
On this night, my husband ( a sceptic) and I were sitting on the back porch. We were listening to the Beach Boys concert at a nearby park and at least fifteen airplanes crossed the sky as usual with the normal sound of jets accompanying them. All of a sudden, a very bright light crossed the sky ten times the speed of any aircraft I have ever experienced, stopped in midair for five seconds, and shot off in a completely different direction. I sat speechless for a few seconds. My husband finally said, "Did you see that?" and I said, "I think we just saw a UFO." He has been talking about it ever since. I waited so long to post this in the hopes that someone else saw the same thing. Like it or not, there is a stigma attatched to this type of phenomenon. I have been interested in ariel phenomena for years, have been granted a scholarship for astronomy and have attended the NASA "space camp". I have always believed that there is more than meets the eye, but have never experienced it in recent years until now.
Posted 2001-08-12
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