NUFORC UFO Sighting 18854
Occurred: 1997-11-01 18:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2001-08-06 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30 sec.
No of observers: 1
Location: Sartoga, CA, USA
Shape: Other
bent-bowling pin craft with no lights flies over in a north to south direction
saw craft while I was waiting for class at west valley college. I was looking up in a northerly direction hoping to see some meteors (I think it is the paladies meteor shower?) when a movement caught my eye. the reason i was able to see this object is that it "blocked" out the starts as it flew directly over me heading south. The best way I can describe this is that it looked like a bent bowling pin, bent back at the neck. it had no lights, made no sound. it took me a few seconds to focus on it, the bottom side was a shade lighter than black, but it was still dark out side, but my impression is is that it did not want to be seen. it was also very big, how much I do not know but it flew over the last of some rain clouds as I watched it head south. there were also no small commuter planes around which I noticed the days after are pretty frequent. I have seen B-2 bombers fly over when backpacking in the sierras, so I have seen a "delta" shaped craft at night and this was not like that.
Posted 2001-08-12
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