NUFORC UFO Sighting 181197
Occurred: 2024-04-13 20:15 LocalReported: 2024-04-18 12:10 Pacific
Duration: Exactly 6 to 7 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Shiraz, Fars Province, Iran
Location details: Light pollution of big city, not a satellite, I am an astronomer so it is not satellites. Population
Shape: Light
Color: White
Estimated Size: As big as Orion
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: West, under Orion
Angle of Elevation: 47
Closest Distance: Space
Characteristics: Lights on object, Possible abduction
The pollution doesn't let us see starlink but it was so similar, it is not the space craft or man made thing,no moving,not satellite
We live in Shiraz, I am an astronomer student so I haven't ever seen this before, it was big lights exactly in a mathematical order diagonally dots togheter, white color, 6 to 7 minutes, light pollution and population doesn't let us to see starlink in the city but this one was not starlink. I am not saying aliens but unknown(UFO). The video have been viral on Shiraz Instagram. This happened exactly the hours before Iran attack to Israel. I am known with military things but it was not missiles. I mention that it was many hours before the attack so it was not military. No moving but unknown. It was in the West, under the Orion's constellation. After 7 minutes it disappeared with no light or speed or even moving.
Posted 2024-04-27
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