NUFORC Sighting 180840

Occurred: 2024-03-16 12:15 Local
Reported: 2024-03-17 06:36 Pacific
Duration: 10mins approx
No of observers: 1

Location: Spokane, WA, USA
Location details: Westside (facing) portion of location. Rocky area, sidewalk, foot traffic

Shape: Changing
Color: Pristine white
Estimated Size: unknown
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: West
Angle of Elevation: 34
Closest Distance: 4,700ft
Estimated Speed: Varied to a full stop
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

What at first glance appeared birdlike., not so much no

As I posted up on the rocky wall area facing mostly due west for a respite taking in what was a brilliantly bright clear blue sky as I glanced up from my personal belongings & happened to notice a practically 'V' shaped shape moving N to S across my field of view. Along with a News chopper in a circling pattern (holding) at what appeared to be a lower altitude than this object, over the downtown area. Bustling downtown activities to report on currently, basketball.

I continue to observe this object expecting to see a flap of wings or some physical movement. Nope. It appeared like a solitary bird hovering mostly on an updraft in not a circling pattern more like slow movement forward, stop momentum. Changing position or changing shape of object. It moved forward a bit more… slowly moving towards the S. I decided that it was not aircraft. It was not a Mylar balloon. At this point in time I decided to fetch my GoPro out of my backpack. In the interim of accomplishing this feat I did not drop my gaze from the object for any countable length of time. And at some point in doing this I very likely muttered, "you're going to -blip!- out once I have the GoPro out, aren't you?"

As it continued to remain mostly static in the clear sky at an altitude of say 4,500-5,500ft. Size of object uncertain, looked to me like a white bird, wings out open as if ready to 'flap downwards' I got the GoPro fired up and recording. Located the object, got into position and that object was gone. As I continued to scan the area looking for the object, the News chopper who had departed was back now. Along with 5-6 hot air balloons in the immediate area now too.


Posted 2024-04-27

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