NUFORC Sighting 180830

Occurred: 2024-03-15 20:20 Local
Reported: 2024-03-15 21:05 Pacific
Duration: Less than 30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Bainbridge Island, WA, USA
Location details: I was standing in my driveway looking east.

Shape: Changing
Color: Bright white to red
Estimated Size: No idea. At first large.
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: To the east of me.
Angle of Elevation: 40
Closest Distance: At first it was closest. 30,000 ft, plus.
Estimated Speed: Slower than a commercial jetliner.
Characteristics: Changed Colo

Bright white light moving slowly then turned red and receded until it disappeared

I took my dog outside, tonight, after 8:15 pm. It was dark and beautiful clear sky (I was enjoying the moon (in the west)). My dog and I walked up the driveway (facing east), and as we did, I looked up and saw a bright white light (brighter than any visible stars - and a street light is right at the end of the drive, so I was seeing this through the street light). It was a light so it appeared round. I cannot tell how high it was but we have a lot of air traffic here (we are near Boeing Field and live under one SeaTac approach) and this appeared higher than commercial flights (but I can't be sure). It was not a small light (maybe 1/16 of a full moon). It was moving slowly north. It was probably at about an angle of 40 degrees elevation. It did not have any blinking light and was silent. There was no noise. My dog did not seem to notice it. I walked back to our front door to call my husband to ask him to come and see it. I kept my eye on it as I did. It changed direction, heading east, and appeared to be climbing elevation. After it changed direction and elevation it turned to a red color and became a horizontal line. It was red, with small white lights on either side. It was no longer bright and was fading (or receding from me). It was quickly gone. By the time my husband got outside it was a faint light and a star near it was brighter than the unidentified object was (but the star, itself, was very faint). It was probably at an angle of elevation of 60 degrees where it faded out of sight. My husband did not see it. He thinks his eyes had not adjusted from lights inside the house, to be able to see a fading light in the night sky (beyond the street light). We stood and watched for a few minutes but it never reappeared. I have a background in science and am a writer. Unfortunately, I did not have my phone with me, so I didn't get a photo. I have the Flight Tracker app. When I got back into the house I looked from between 8pm - 8:30pm and there were no flights east of my house of any kind (helicopter or airplane).

Posted 2024-04-27

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