NUFORC UFO Sighting 180807
Occurred: 1972-08-12 15:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2024-03-12 16:09 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Somers, MT, USA
Location details: The craft hovered about 200 feet in the air over the middle of Somers Bay on Flathead Lake
Shape: Triangle
Color: Silver and Blue
Estimated Size: 15 ft wide X 20 ft long X 10 ft high
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Southeast
Angle of Elevation: 40
Closest Distance: 500 yards
Estimated Speed: 1000 mph approach and 200 mph departure
Silent craft entered Somers Bay from the South and hovered about 200 ft above the center of the bay for ~ 3 minutes before departing.
An object arrived at a very high rate of speed from the southern direction and stopped, motionless about 200 feet above the water in the center of Somers Bay on Flathead Lake in northwest Montana. It hovered there for 3 to 4 minutes.
I was 9 years old and my brother was 7. We were with our Dad at our place on the west shore of the bay. We all saw it and were awestruck by how it appeared so silently and at such a high speed.
We watched it intently for a couple minutes. My brother and I knew it was something extraordinary, as we had never seen anything like it. We asked our Dad, "What is it?" and he replied "I don't know, but it must be something military."
The craft was silver to blue in color and was either oval or slightly triangular with a wider "back". I recall it was about as big as a Chevy or Ford van at the narrowest and about that long, though I think it was about twice that wide toward the "back".
As it departed, we watched it silently back up a short distance and then accelerate instantly to what would have been 100 to 200 miles per hour as it climbed steeply over Somers Hill to the immediate north of us, where it vanished from our view.
I'm not sure if I have the exact dates, but I do remember that there were many reported sightings in the area that were reported in the local paper, The Daily Interlake. I also heard that this was on the front page of the Great Falls Tribune the next day as well.
I have two other friends who saw the same type of craft on that day. One was about 20 miles south of us on Hughes Bay (Flathead Lake) and another who was near Whitefish, so about 20 miles north of where we saw it. In each of those sightings by my friends, there were two people together who witnessed the craft flying very similarly to what we saw over Somers Bay.
Posted 2024-03-13
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