NUFORC UFO Sighting 18074

Occurred: 1974-05-15 15:15 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2001-06-17 00:00 Pacific
Duration: About 15 to 30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Howard Beach, NY, USA

Shape: Disk

A daylight disk was sighted over Queens county of New York City in the spring of 1974.

It was a spring day in the middle of the afternoon on a mostly clear day. It was probably 65 to 70 degrees. I believe it was in 1974 although I'm not sure of the month, and I was 11 years old. I was returning home after school let out. Close to home where I came into a clearing between 6-story apartment buildings, I was looking up facing south, and between about 60 and 75 degrees above the horizon, a small disc-shaped, grayish or silvery object caught my eye as soon as it emerged over the top of a building to my right. It was travelling east (from my right to left) and was about to fly over, by my best estimate, John F. Kennedy International Airport. It was probably between one half and one mile high and seemed fairly guess would be about 10 feet in diameter. It had no distinguishing characteristics. I saw no smoke trail, heard no noise, and felt no strange vibes other than my own nervousness. I don't think it was more than a half a mile away horizontally. It never made any erratic movement and was moving at a quick pace...I'm guessing about 150 mph. A few seconds before it disappeared over the top of the building to my left, it had begun a smooth right turn toward the southeast and appeared to be climbing. No wings were visible, and at this point it looked more like a cigar with a reflecting metal surface. Then it was gone. I was able to see this object clearly as my eyesight was perfect then, and I knew I'd never seen anything like it before. I remembered feeling shocked, perplexed and concerned, for I had no idea the source of what I'd seen. I was also annoyed that there was nobody else around for me to call attention to it. Not wanting to risk embarrassment, it was several years before I'd told anyone.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2001-08-05

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