NUFORC Sighting 180550

Occurred: 2024-01-01 02:30 Local
Reported: 2024-02-23 12:25 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 2 - Military

Location: Flagler, CO, USA
Location details: I-70 east bound near Seibert, CO

Shape: Orb
Color: Bright white-blue
Estimated Size: Impossible to tell, car size perhaps.
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: East
Angle of Elevation: 35
Closest Distance: 1 to 2 miles perhaps
Estimated Speed: Very fast with rapid deceleration.
Characteristics: Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

Three orbs fluctuating randomly from dim to bright accelerating and slowing down maintains distance from vehicle while traveling.

My family left Denver at midnight on new years day to travel back to Alabama. At 2:30am I witnessed what I thought to be a slow shooting star that started off dim and got very bright. As I watched it on the south side of the highway, it stopped falling and flew across the highway to the north side slowly in a horizontal path and then dimmed out. Immediately another appeared where the other had been prior and it was joined by a dimmer orb coming from the north side of the highway. I woke my wife to show her, and as we watched these three orbs would go from dim to bright at random and continued to maintain distance ahead of us as we drove. There was some sort of blinking aircraft following the highway at the time and I pointed it out as it faded into the distance. These orbs maintained their activity in the sky back and forth across the highway, getting dimmer and brighter for the next 45 minutes. They changed direction and accelerated and slowed down seemingly random. I considered filming with my phone, but thought better than to do it while driving for safety reasons. I also didn't want to stop for fear of them continuing on without me.

Posted 2024-03-13

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