NUFORC Sighting 180527

Occurred: 2022-09-05 04:42 Local
Reported: 2024-02-21 19:29 Pacific
Duration: Less than 30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Bullhead City, AZ, USA
Location details: The driveway from my house

Shape: Cigar
Color: silver
Estimated Size: 40'
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: North
Angle of Elevation: 25
Closest Distance: 40-50'
Estimated Speed: 1 mph
Characteristics: Lights on object

During a blackout power outage in our city, I saw a silent, slow-moving, silent craft about 30 feet off the ground

Our town had a multi-city wide power outage. There were not any lights in most of the town. It was still hot at that time so I and my husband kept finding cool places to sleep around the house and outside but couldn't remain asleep because of the heat. I had gone out to the carport and fallen asleep in the gravity chair and woke up in the middle of the night because I was hot. I was laying in the chair and facing my cul-de-sac. I got up and looked into the cul-de-sac then noticed something moving slowly with a lot of rectangular, white lights, from the West to the East about 30' off the ground. There wasn't any sound. I was trying to figure out what I was seeing and thought it looked like a plane because of the row of lights. It couldn't have been a plane, though, because there wasn't any noise and it was too close to me and the ground.

I looked at my dog to see if she saw the image and she looked up, perhaps at the image, for a moment then looked back down. I have never hallucinated before. I focused on the lights and could see that they appeared to be windows. In the first window, I could see an outline of a round-shape and another smaller round shape on that. A woman's head with a bun?

I couldn't make out any distinct shapes in the second window or any of the other windows behind the first, only dark, blurry shapes. The windows cast light to the outside of the vehicle and I could see that it was curved, almost like a plane, but I couldn't see any wings. I ran to get my phone to take a video and was calling to my husband who was asleep in the living room but I couldn't wake him.

I ran back to the end of the driveway and began filming but realized the flash was on and I wanted to turn it off. I flipped the phone around but I can't see up close without my glasses which I didn't have so I wasn't able to disable the flash. I continued filming with the flash on. The video I took was only about 6 seconds long.

When the vehicle was turning away from me, towards the North, it didn't just fade out of sight. As it turned away, the image started pixelating and falling apart. It was as if the image was breaking apart like glass and the pieces were floating off and disappearing from sight. It continued to turn away and disappear in that manner until it was gone.

The video I took doesn't look like what I saw with my eyes. The video shows one, light, blurry rectangular shape. You can see my car which was in the driveway as I was flipping the phone around to try to turn off the flash and the blurry shape up and to the right of that. I was able to enlarge the blurry shape and it is a light, rectangular shape with three characters in it. A backwards looking round "E" which reminded me of the lady with a bun hair style I saw in the window and two numbers: 20.

As far as I know, no one else reported seeing anything in my area that night.

Posted 2024-03-13

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