NUFORC Sighting 180461

Occurred: 2024-02-16 18:05 Local
Reported: 2024-02-17 06:32 Pacific
Duration: For both objects, 25mins
No of observers: 1

Location: Spokane, WA, USA
Location details: Same sidewalk, icy, cold night light poles

Shape: Other
Color: Yellowish/white
Estimated Size: unknown
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: E/S.E.
Angle of Elevation: 31
Closest Distance: approx. 25,000-30,000ft
Estimated Speed: 1: 500-800mph. 2: 800-1200mph approx

A Southbound craft overhead with a return object heading Northbound

At approx 18:05hrs as I took up a mostly static standing position again on the now frozen sidewalk as I scanned the skies to my left (port) at an altitude of 25,000-30,000ft approx did a Southbound E/S.E.object (spark!) fly from the North again. As I stood facing a mostly southernly direction. Similar to other objects that appear to have same attributes, that have been reported on here by me that have occurred at several different locations/states. JRA did it roll on. It flew on this trajectory in the cold night time sky, silent as always until at a distance where it faded once, faded a second time and vanished entirely from sight.

As I processed this activity along with the other similar reported on activity regarding this kind of craft only after approx. 10mins or so did all of a sudden -pop!- another single bright yellowish/white spark! appearing now! in the Southern E/S.E. direction. Coming towards my static position, mostly directly overhead now and again high altitude 25,000-30,000ft it scooted along at a slightly more (noticeable) accelerated trajectory as I kept eyes on it in the cold sky, flew it did silent, zero noticeable emissions, until out of sight and it's view obstructed by a building.

*in closing I must add that the return object sailing AFTER the first one flew was the first time this kind of activity occurred with this kind of craft.

Lastly. The report directly filed before this one submitted I left out that a vacant building's, (next to where I was standing when that spark! flew), alarm went off. For whatever reason and blared and blared...


Posted 2024-03-13

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