NUFORC Sighting 180427

Occurred: 2024-02-14 19:25 Local
Reported: 2024-02-14 19:56 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes and 10 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Worcester, MA, USA
Location details: Copley road Worcester, MA 01602

Shape: Light
Color: White multiple color
Estimated Size: hard to estimate it was pulsating high altitude
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Came from the west approximately 256 degrees west went overhead disappeared in the east 76 degrees
Angle of Elevation: 88
Closest Distance: over 50k altitude
Estimated Speed: 500-700mph or more based on its apparent altitude
Explanation: Rocket - Certain
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

A white pulsating light high in the sky going west to east the object shot light in the direction it was going then split in two faded

I came home it was 7:25 when I got out of my car I noticed a fuzzy/pulsating white light at a high altitude above me approximately 90 degrees up. The object was moving west to east and pulsating a white light with other colors mixed in at times. I was going about the same speed as the ISS which at first I thought it was but quickly realized it wasn't. As soon as I knew it was not a plane, starlink or ISS I started the video I did the video for 1:57 and during that time the object shot out a plume which was sort of rainbow colored not as exhaust from behind but in front of the object. I know aircraft, satellites and planets etc. I have been avid night sky gazer for years. I have also flown commercial for 30 years for work approximately 1200 flights so I know what a plane looks like and can identify most of them. The sky was very clear at the time and it looked like the object was a lot higher than 40k feet more like LEO. I knew that SpaceX was launching today and they did at 5:30 so two hours later does not seem like it would be SpaceX launch Falcon 9 Block 5 | USSF-124. After the video it lasted no more than 15 seconds and seemed to split in two and disappear. There were no aircraft in the vicinity the sky is typically busy since I live in the flight path of ORH Worcester airport and checked Flight Radar for 7:23 to 7:26 and saw nothing going overhead ruling out completely a plane.

Posted 2024-02-15

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