NUFORC Sighting 180411

Occurred: 2024-02-14 19:30 Local
Reported: 2024-02-14 16:54 Pacific
Duration: 3-4 minute
No of observers: 1 - Military

Location: Monroeville, PA, USA
Location details: 40.43437° N, 79.74182° W

Shape: Orb
Color: White
Estimated Size: Unable to estimate size
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: 030°
Angle of Elevation: 65
Closest Distance: Unknown
Estimated Speed: Airliner at cruise (300 knots)
Explanation: Rocket - Certain
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail

observed a bright large spherical object tracked and merged with a smaller sphere

I was taking the trash out in my apartment complex and usually look at the sky as I walk to the dumpster. Tonight, I noticed a large white-lit sphere surrounded by a haze layer being tracked by a significantly smaller lit sphere. At first, I thought the lights were one object. As I observed them it became clear they were two separate objects. The little sphere closed the distance with the big sphere and the two merged. When they merged the haze around the bigger brighter sphere turned into a visible cone underneath itself. The two then just dissipated.

Posted 2024-02-15

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