NUFORC Sighting 180375

Occurred: 2024-02-11 20:10 Local
Reported: 2024-02-12 08:37 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Wasilla, AK, USA

Shape: Orb
Color: White
Viewed From: Land
Angle of Elevation: 8
Estimated Speed: 0 MPH
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

5 orb-like structures seen near a small establishment.

My mom and I were bouncing from places and grabbing essentials items and what not when she decided to get a few soft drinks from a nearby convenience store. I was glued to my phone as she exited the vehicle and began her mild shopping spree of sodas and fast food. Something interesting caught my eye as I watched a car almost get t-boned in the side of the body by another, but thankfully they both stopped in time. After this event, I decided to pay a bit more attention to my surroundings, and that's when I seen these five orbs. They were much more clear with the naked eye, but hey, I can't record with my eyes so my phone would have to do. The orbs didn't really move that much, but we're suspended up in the sky, probably around a few yards up from where I could view. I couldn't stop thinking about them on the car ride back to my residence, wondering if I really had caught a UFO on my phone.

Posted 2024-02-15

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