NUFORC Sighting 180044

Occurred: 1962-08-11 21:15 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-01-11 19:55 Pacific
Duration: 2 sightings 5 min apart
No of observers: 25

Location: Bonney Lake, WA, USA
Location details: Lake front property at Bonney Lake owned by my Aunt and Uncle 47.19013822925921, -122.18444575565533

Shape: Light
Color: white
Estimated Size: at arms length small finger nail size
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: south and west
Angle of Elevation: 85
Closest Distance: unknown appeared outer atmosphere
Estimated Speed: 5000mph
Characteristics: Lights on object

Summer evening back to back, Zig Zag UFOs upper atmosphere 5 mins apart

A summer all day party at Bonney Lake, WA at my Aunt and Uncle's lakeside cabin. They had a very sturdy larger dock, My grandmother had the house 3-4 lots west and in the north side of the lake, but did not have a dock over the water,so we were here frequently there in good Seattle weather. The party was here, as the best dock. Both dock/lots are are visible on google maps. I was 8 yrs old, and had 3 older brothers, 1 younger brother. My older brothers taught me things early as exposed to their bad behaviors. So I was aware. We had many family. cousins, and close friends at the party, it started at noon and last till midnight. My oldest brother was extremely smart for his age. After dinner most of the mom's were inside cleaning, I was reading Archie comic books, not allowed outside near the dock or water as I had not learned to swim yet. After 900pm. my oldest brother and many cousins male and female were all sitting on the doc all 12-13yrs older, another Uncle was Seattle PD officer, his buddies and wives, drinking,smoking etc, and older relatives, most were outside as in Seattle area back in the 50-60s August was the best month for this, or it would have been raining. My oldest brother started shouting. : "UFO UFO,,," ,quick or to that affect. Everyone inside the house ran to the dock area and kids there were all pointing and directing us to look up. My recollection was the light was outer atmosphere, very high, and was moving very very fast, and we had horizon to horizon view looking up and to the west - wide view!. The white light would zig-zag, and the strange part to me that I remember, was the flow was like if you are watching Speed Skating during the Olympics, and if you've seen how the skater on long track skates, the skater flow is left leg, right leg,. left leg. right leg continually kinda back/forth and this is what the light was doing zig-zagging left/right but moving fast, and when the left/right zig zag was right in the middle - the light would dim just a bit. So we all watched this light head west at a high rate of speed, 5 minutes towards the horizon - it was gone, Everyone was chatting, UFO this, UFO that...I headed back in with Mom and the other ladies I sat on the couch reading comics, again, and my oldest brother again a "quick outside, another UFO...hurry" we all ran outside and the same exact thing we saw first, a UFO very high speed zig-zagging through outer atmosphere same line of sight and same speed. Fummy part was that stuck with me was were were all in the same spot on the 2nd sighting. This UFO also all the way west until we could not see it. That was it. No Sound. ...Interest: Art Bell show. I heard of Peter Davenport on the Art Bell show 1990s and went to Laughlin Nevada for the Intl UFO Congress symposium held back then, I think this was Richard Dolan's first west coast appearance and I was there to see Peter Davenport & Dolan but I had never seen Peter Davenports picture. I was at the back door of the auditorium, door, river side, and something was going on, I do not remember. When I turned around a guy had the door open and said" Hey guys whats up...what are you doing?" I had a TWA DC-2/3 full color T shirt on, and the guy at the door was closest to me, and I said :" I'm here to see the Peter Davenport lecture........." He looks at me for a second or 3,,,and he says " I am Peter Davenport" I was I forgot what I mumbled to him, I may have shook his hand, and Peter stated he saw my TWA DC-2/3 Tshirt and tracked me down. Peter then told me his father worked for TWA St Louis MO and wanted to chat for a minute, but his lecture was next so in we went. My only brush w/fame in the UFO World.

Posted 2024-02-15

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