NUFORC Sighting 179848

Occurred: 2023-12-30 18:27 Local
Reported: 2023-12-31 12:16 Pacific
Duration: 10-20 Seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Beaverton, OR, USA
Location details: Seen near the intersection of Rosa Road, and 192nd Ave from the sidewalk.

Shape: Disk
Color: N/A, with RGB Lights
Estimated Size: Ferris Wheel Sized
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: West
Angle of Elevation: 47
Closest Distance: 100-200 ft
Estimated Speed: 2-5 mph
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Unidentified formation of lights seen on walk with a friend. Slowly rotating, & massive. Had a contour like it was a disk on its side.

Me (15) and a friend (age removed for privacy) were on a night walk. We were joking about how the sky looked perfect for an alien invasion, due to it's pretty smoky brown color. When we reached the intersection of Rosa Road and 192nd Ave, we were immediately distracted by what looked to be a huge, slowly revolving chain of lights hovering in the sky. They were in a straight line (or mostly straight line), almost as if on the edge of a disk spinning on its side. I could see the faint contour of an edge or side. It was massive, Ferris wheel sized or larger. There were over 10 lights, and they were close enough to trigger my mild astigmatism. They flashed several colors. It produced no sound, no shadow, and reflected no light on the ground. There were several streetlights, however, so they could have overshadowed any light the craft produced. I stared at it for about 10-20 seconds, panicking, before attempting to take a photo. I would realize later that I had accidentally took a picture of the ground instead. My friend was much more excited than scared, but I urged them that I wanted to go home. I told my dad what I had seen, but being a skeptic, he mostly shrugged it off. We decided to go back while I called my partner for support. We could not see anything else. On the way home, I sighted a small, low flying plane heading in the direction of the object. There is an airport in Hillsboro nearby, however. When we got home, my friend would report that they watched it as we walked away, and that when we began walking, it disappeared behind a nearby tree.

Due to the fact I was still incredibly shaken, my friend suggested we watched a show to take my mind off it. Half way through (around 7:00), I could not stop thinking about what we saw. They suggested we both draw what we had seen. They drew a line of several lights, and I drew something very similar, but with more of a contour.

I am still very shaken after this, and it is possible that my panic has obscured some of the details. I am just glad I am a writer, so I can properly attempt to describe what I saw yesterday.

One last thing I would like to note is that I used the location data and time on the photo I took to confirm the location and time me and my friend saw the object.

Posted 2024-02-15

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