NUFORC Sighting 179735

Occurred: 2023-11-30 19:00 Local
Reported: 2023-12-16 12:35 Pacific
Duration: 2 to 2 and a half hours.
No of observers: 3

Location: Buckhead, GA, USA

Shape: Light
Color: White
Estimated Size: Undeterminable.
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: South/southwest
Angle of Elevation: 55
Closest Distance: Undeterminable.
Estimated Speed: Undeterminable.

Over a period of a couple hours my parents and I watched a distant light in the night sky make small, cyclical movements.

Around 7 in the evening my mother called my father and I out to the front porch to show us a moving light in the sky toward the south. At first it appeared to be a star, maybe only slightly brighter than the average star. It took only a few moments to realize that it was moving; it would wobble side to side, move slightly to the left, and move upward (either literally up, or north). It would repeat these movements in a cycle over a period of perhaps 30 seconds, maybe upwards of a minute. None of these movements were fast, nor extreme; a thumb held at arm's length would cover the area in which it was doing the movements. It would also dim and brighten slightly, but there seem to be less of a pattern when it came to this. We watched it for maybe ten or fifteen minutes, pretty dumbfounded by it. I thought to grab my father's binoculars to see if I could see any it better, but once I found it using them it was still just a pinpoint of light; I couldn't see any kind of structure to the object which made me think it was really far away.

At this point it was still doing it's little dance, and we got cold so we went inside. Every ten minutes or so I would go back out see if it was still there, and it was. After checking up on it a few more times with no changes, I started looking up possible astronomical objects that it could be, but I was pretty sure that wasn't the explanation; it had to be in atmosphere. Ruling out stars, planets, and satellites, I thought it could've been a drone, but supposedly drones don't have the endurance to stay up as long as this object was. Plus, would have to have been REALLY high up, and I feel that a person-controlled drone would have had more sporadic movements than what we witnessed. After doing this research, I went back outside, some two hours or so after first seeing it, and it was still in the sky, but at a different angle of elevation, perhaps 70 degrees, and slightly further west. That was the last time I saw it. In hindsight I should have at least attempted to film it with my phone, but it was small and the movements were also relatively small. It would've been a classic "crappy" UFO video.

I've never seen anything else I haven't been able to explain, so this experience has really stuck with me.

Posted 2023-12-20

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