NUFORC Sighting 179678

Occurred: 2023-12-06 23:50 Local
Reported: 2023-12-11 12:17 Pacific
Duration: 15 min
No of observers: 1 - Aviation Expert

Location: Pearland, TX, USA
Location details: suburban/country area lat 29.5305216 lon -95.338496

Shape: Flash
Color: white (IR) Spectrum
Estimated Size: unknown
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: SE
Angle of Elevation: 74
Closest Distance: appeared to be very high atmosphere or in space
Estimated Speed: unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Whille stargazing with nitevision monocular, spotted a curious flashing light that had a pattern to it, wasnt a plane, satellite, meteo

I have spent the past couple years doing my meditation outside and (earthing /grounding to help deal with chronic pain and depression).

About a year and a half back i started seeing in the night sky, flashes of light here and there mostly above 45 degrees. Some would but dim flashes some would be quite bright much brighter than jupiter or venus. sometimes while the flash was blooming it would collapse and be followed by a short streak of light.
Or there would be several short flashes in a row then nothing again. or nonlinear flashes.. I am a ham radio operator and used to tracking satellites.. At first I was thinking some could be written off as iridium flares, other satellites rotating etc.. Maybe some kind of star explosions?

But the flash streaks I couldn’t explain.. Back then I had no way to capture what I saw as my camcorder couldn’t really see stars very well unless zoomed way in and my cell phone doesn’t really see stars well either.. Too bad because back then I could almost set my watch by the sightings as they were very reliable.. I was fairly sure they weren't satellites as they happened pretty late at nite or at all hours at nite.. From 8:30pm to well after 3:00 am in the morning. So they would have to be really high orbit satellites and probably pretty large to put off that much light. Also most of these sightings all pretty much clustered around arcturus.

Fast forward to current time, I recently aquired a nite vision monocular, inexpensive, but it sees the nite sky very well.. Not super high definition but quite well.

So now I have a tool.. But the flashes in the sky have been almost nill. Or so I thought. So during my meditation time and stargazing periods, I would occasionally pull out the monocular and just scan the sky.

On Dec 6 I saw my flashes again.. Only not in a visible spectrum.. Had my binoculars with me and verifies I could not see visibly with magnification.

I hit record and recorded . The camera creates 3 min vids then starts another vid etc. so I got like 4 vids of the object totalling maybe 11-12 min. In the constellation of orion, just above and to the right of the orion nebula and slowly moving to the left.. Over that whole time period, I figured if I hold my hand at arms length, and hold up 1 finger, the object traveled basically the width of my finger or maybe 1 degree of arc..
So it was most likely in very high altitute or in space.

The blinking was interesting to me as it was usually two dim flashes(pulses) followed by 1 really Bight flash(pulse), and kept repeating. Being in the IR range, I don’t think it would be nav lights of anything I am aware of other than possibly military. Or maybe some type of propulsion system? My IR can see in black and white or it also has a mode where some of the IR colors can be seen thus you can see some of the color in the nebula and the colors of the flasshes are like a dim yellow red orange and the bright flash is usually very white..

I uploaded the videos to my youtube channel to an unlisted channel not for widespread sharing at the moment, but for the purpose of reporting.

This is the Monocular used - ESSLNB Night Vision Monocular 5X40 Night Vision Infrared Monocular with 1.5" TFT LCD Take Photos and Videos Playback Function 16G TF Card Digital Night Vision Scopes. I did not use any zoom.

I have worked in Aviation for about 12 years and am familiar with numerous aircraft and flight cgaracteristics.. I live in the flight path of a major airport and also familiar with aircraft flight characteristics on approach and take off and sounds etc.. As well as many of the different nav lights , landing lights etc. Im not an expert but quite familiar.

I captured the object again on december 7or 8 a nite or two later in Orion near the nebula but moving up and to the right.. It was cloudy so only got one short vid which I may add to the youtube ones.

Posted 2023-12-20

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