NUFORC UFO Sighting 179531
Occurred: 2023-11-29 17:20 LocalReported: 2023-11-30 11:07 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Valley Stream, NY, USA
Location details: Was driving my car
Shape: Triangle
Color: night sky-color not
Estimated Size: Hard to tell. Larger than a small jet.
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: In a car proceeding north on Flether Avenue, Valley Stream
Angle of Elevation: 60
Closest Distance: Eigth of a mile
Estimated Speed: Almost stationary...then very rapidly zoomed west
Characteristics: Lights on object
Aircraft with unusual lights, triangular shape with 5 circular lights on the bottom, heading west.
I looked up and saw what at first was a bright light that appeared to be hovering. I was heading north at about 20 mi. per hour and slowed as the object oddly was getting closer and I could see far more detail. It was triangular and had five circular lights beneath. One light in the point of the triangle, 2 lights toward the center, and 3 lights at the bottom. I have never seen a plane with a configuration like that….nor a clearly triangular aircraft (resembled a stealth warplane, but larger. In my vision the aircraft seemed oddly to be moving very slow….then suddenly accelerated at an unusual rate of speed….over my head going west. I tried to stop and recapture vision, but it was gone
Posted 2023-12-09
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