NUFORC Sighting 179243

Occurred: 2023-11-02 21:02 Local
Reported: 2023-11-03 09:54 Pacific
Duration: about five to ten seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Lemoyne, PA, USA
Location details: Driving East on Hummel Avenue

Shape: Cigar

Saw a fast-moving, glowing white tic-tac shape in the sky

While driving home from the grocery store, I saw in the sky a very fast-moving object. I was near 40.23974839965564, -76.89965313955344. While we have a fair amount of airplanes and helicopters in our area, this didn't look like anything I'd ever seen before. It was shaped just like a tic-tac, or a pill; it was glowing white - and though it was moving very fast across the sky, diagonally from my upper right to lower left field of vision, it did not have a motion trail. It was perfectly shaped, meaning the outline of it stood out vividly against the sky, in perfect relief - the line of its shape was perfectly defined against the black sky, like it was drawn there. And it was glowing white, though there was nothing external that was lighting it (ie. no spotlight on it or any other external source of light). It moved very fast across the sky, paused very briefly at a spot in the distance, then rapidly shot straight down towards the ground. It then disappeared behind the skyline of houses and churches on the street. There was no explosion or indication that anything crashed - it just disappeared behind the building line. While I normally can hear and see airplanes, or hear and see helicopters coming in and out of Harrisburg City, there was absolutely no sound here - it was very un-nerving. I got home and took my dashboard camera inside to see if it caught anything. The video shows a light that looks like a shooting star, moving fast across the sky in a straight line from upper-right to lower left of the sky; it then pauses briefly, then shoots down and disappears.

Posted 2023-12-09

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