NUFORC UFO Sighting 179215

Occurred: 2023-10-30 19:54 Local
Reported: 2023-11-01 15:19 Pacific
Duration: 2 sec on timelapse video

Location: The Colony, TX, USA
Location details: Arbour Hills Nature Preserve

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects, Emitted beams

Bright large round object that projects some type of cicular wave fying by

I routinely record timelapse of sunrise and sunsets. Great condition to see 'red skies" on Monday so I broadcast the sunset live on Instagram and also recording a timelaspe to post later. Stopped all recording after sun was down. Still really clouds flowing so I started a new time-lapse 7:37pm - 10:34pm. Downloaded the file and did a quick view before deleting as intended. The flying object showed up a 7:54. I'm close to a small aiport so I'm seeing planes all the time gut nothing like this. I looks huge compared to the other planes flying by that night. It caught my attention immediately and then it does something that projects forward that resembles a sonic smoke right.

Captured on a Wyze 2k camera with timestamps.

Posted 2023-12-09

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