NUFORC Sighting 179149

Occurred: 2022-01-28 18:05 Local
Reported: 2023-10-28 17:42 Pacific
Duration: 5 - 8 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: St stephens, AL, USA
Location details: st stephens area of Alabama off mobile cut off road on Harold Stoker

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Animals reacted

Two tic tac or oval items came in from tree tops then one shot off into stars

While I was hunting in a tree stand along a ridge near St. Stephens, Alabama, I had a peculiar experience. The area, once an Indian village and the location of the original sawmill, holds a significant paranormal history. Due to ongoing chemo treatments for my stomach tumor, I decided to leave the stand at dusk instead of waiting for complete darkness. Approximately 5:45 pm or so. As I made my way out, I noticed a commercial plane flying overhead towards Mobile.

Approximately a few minutes after the plane passed, i thought this is a perfect night to “call the others,” and used my version of CE-5. I have seen UAPs my whole life and most of them have been witnessed by lots of people. I have never really tried this before but I sensed something was off. Within 5 minutes of just walking and calling, I saw two orbs appearing at treetop level, seemingly coming from the northwest along Mobile Cut Off Road almost right to me. I observed them crossing the horizon, and watched them as I was walking for a few minutes and decided to see if they would photograph. I managing to capture photos and a video as they approached the tree line to my east. One of the orbs swiftly ascended into the sky, intermittently blinking in and out, before moving into high orbit and blending into the stars, eventually disappearing. No navigation lights were ever visible. They appeared to be oval or tic tac shaped. I saw them both in twilight and dark. I checked all satellite space station data as well as flight data. Nothing matched up. The only thing that was close was a Chinese space station or something but the time and location were off.

This encounter, although strange, wasn't among the top three weirdest experiences I've had in the area. I was hunting alone and didn't inquire if anyone else had witnessed the event.

In Sum, The objects moved at a significant speed covering the entire horizon quickly, made zero noise, stopped multiple times for significant periods of time, seemed to blink in and out, and went from right above tree tops to upper atmosphere or space in blink of an eye. When they first appeared I could see they were metallic or looked metallic as the setting sun reflected off them. The glowing as can be seen in the video didn’t really start as much until it became dark. The entire incident lasted 5-7 minutes max. After the first few minutes I was focused on one of them as the or hey one apparently went behind trees or blinked out.

I didn’t mention that the woods got quiet right before I saw the objects. That’s what originally got me looking. This only happens when a predator is near or something weird is about to happen. Although this sounds nuts, I could immediately “sense” them before I saw them, which always happens first, and I felt like they were in contact or aware of me, and this whole event was to remind me they are there watching me. I recovered from the cancer and a rare blood infection in March thur May of this year.

Posted 2023-12-09

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