NUFORC Sighting 178624

Occurred: 2023-10-01 01:00 Local
Reported: 2023-10-01 19:25 Pacific
Duration: four seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Ebensburg, PA, USA
Location details: 1/4 mile south of Rt. 22/219 cloveleaf

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Clear night sky, two orange lights with an orange trail appeared moving very fast from west to southeast.

The sky was clear. I had stepped outside to see the moon. Two orange lights appeared low in the western sky streaking from west to southeast seming to be climbing. Then it vanished. Probably lasted about four seconds. It was not an aircraft, no blinking lights. I've never seen something moving that fast through the sky. The orange side-by-side lights had an orange trail behind as it streaked across the sky. There was no sound. It did not appear to be high in the sky like the airliners that fly over.

Posted 2023-10-28

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