NUFORC UFO Sighting 178292
Occurred: 2023-09-07 13:45 LocalReported: 2023-09-13 00:51 Pacific
Duration: 20 min plus
No of observers: 3
Location: Golden, CO, USA
Location details: North Golden
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby
Working on loading materials with multiple workers, from a materials distribution center outside when bright oval observed.
The Afternoon:
A testimony encouraged by my 1 friend, my dad who is not sure if he believes me but supported me,
more importantly, my coworker who was there and was moved and for anyone else that was curious what it was....
On a crisp afternoon, we pulled into a landscape yard to load some dirt for a job.
A blue bird day, one could almost see to Wyoming, the air was so clear crisp.
Cleanest air I have seen all year. Made me wish I was in the mountains climbing that day. I was working.
I noticed an object, unlike anything I have seen before in the sky's.
The words expressed from us... 3 men working mid day....
ME.... T.... and the " Load Guy"
1)What ((words deleted)) is that bro!
2) What are you guys looking at, ....yo what... I see that...
3) Yo it seems to be floating....Its so bright from reflection, yet white....very high up, wow! Must be around 15 thousand feet we are at almost 5800 ft no that must be 16 ..17....
The object was shaped in a parabolic nature and oval in shape. The reflective nature of the white color, and absorbtion of pure white was amazing, and the defined shape on its edges was sharp.
(It must be a high flying paraglider, I thought?)
I told my co worker to observe and it was clear that this was an object, not a cloud.
An employee from the company working the front loader, who we were patrons of came out to view the object after our curiosity.
We all started taking pictures and discussing what the object could be?
This object was over the frontrange, north of Golden, just south of Boulder.
We saw commercial planes going underneath it flying west out of DIA.
We also saw a few lear jets, most likely on approach from the west to land at centennial airport... Citation jet size planes under the object.
(This is how I judged its altitude and size at the time)
We were curious if others saw the object. We submit our evidence
to add to our reaserch to explain this, understand and identify the object .
It hovered at approximately 16,000 ft to 20,000 feet for our observed 30 minutes. Size was judged around the size of a large Prevost bus a bit larger....
Some sparse clouds were observed in area but not around object. Object did not move or change with cloud formation. (Again, it was clear that object was not translucent or hazy, but an ultra white material shape with unwavering parabolic shape.
(As we saw the object in almost perfect viewing conditions, its form was an obvious solid object, however the altitude obscured details.)
Object did rotate 20 degrees 2 times in 20 minutes then returning to original position. Stoic in its location and azimuth in atmosphere.
After having to go about my day, we lost track of object. I had to get back to work! Right... Object was unobserved 5 min later...
Object Must have been paraglider????
But all white?
At 17000 ft?
Every paraglider here has some color on sail around here.
Weather balloon?
Released by CU? In the track of the busiest airspace in the country?
It's my duty to report this for avaiton safety and to also answer our curiosity!
In its brilliant white form, we will be in awe by its beauty and wonder and will remember our unwavering curiosity to an object that 3 men, just loading a truck full of dirt saw in the atmosphere that afternoon.
Hoping someone else can add to our observation, with evidence as we are both inquisitive but skeptical.

Posted 2023-10-28
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