NUFORC UFO Sighting 178290
Occurred: 2023-09-13 18:45 LocalReported: 2023-09-13 04:40 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Gatton, Queensland, Australia
Location details: Main road with farm land either side of road, a university and mountains ahead.
Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Lights on object, Electrical or magnetic effects
Massive bright white flashing light as bright as led high beam lights zooming across sky.
My 19 year old daughter and I were heading towards Gatton from Ipswich way. We were about three minutes away from the Gatton exit when we noticed a very bright white light above the mountains to our left of our Horizon view ahead of us. The light was so bright like a LED high beam light of a car, and it was as big as looking at a light on a car that you’re about to pass by, but it was far in our horizon, just hovering right on the mountain. It then started to flash and was lifting up and out into the sky. The flashes were fast and short bursts of movement for about three or four flashes, but as the object started moving further across the sky with each flash it was moving a much further and faster distance. This thing was HUGE… like so big and bright, almost blinding bright and moving so fast. The last 2 flashes we saw it literally moved from our right peripheral vision all the way to our furthest left peripheral vision in literally a flash of a moment, like this was super speed, and then it disappeared.
My daughter and I were absolutely bedazzled by this, and couldn’t believe what we witnessed. We also felt a very weird like pulling heavy sensation in the back of our heads and felt like a pulsing energy.
Anyways, I dropped my daughter off to her girlfriends and pretty much turned around to drive back home straight away, and would you believe it I saw this thing again, YES, I saw it AGAIN!! I couldn’t believe it myself. This time it was travelling in the opposite direction, heading back towards the mountain that we originally saw it from and to my right. This time though, it was travelling very close to the ground as though it was almost skimming the ground flying across the cow paddocks with more frequent flashes. Again, this light was extremely bright and flashing and moving quickly. The size of it, which is strange, was the same size that we saw when it was up high in the sky, but it was obviously much closer to me this time as it was skimming the ground at the fields right next to me basically. But yes, again, it was a little bit bigger than you’d imagine looking at a headlight of a car and very bright white like a LED high beam light. I’d love to know if anyone else witnessed this or if there is any crazy explaination. Also there was zero sound…
Posted 2023-10-28
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