NUFORC UFO Sighting 178288

Occurred: 2023-09-05 18:40 Local
Reported: 2023-09-13 06:51 Pacific
Duration: Near Koblenz Germany
No of observers: 4

Location: Koblenz (25 miles out), Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Location details: UFO video split second on Video Pic from video

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Possible abduction

soccer game of my son out of a sudden you can see in the video for 1/100 second this object

Hello from Germany.

My name is ((deleted)). i´m 55 jears old and i´m a professionell Bodyguard with my own Company since 1987.
You can check my personality over ((e-address deleted))

so long to my Person

Thank you for reading my mail.

I send you one picture
it´s part of an video round about 2 Minutes long, made by my own on my iPhone during my son had a soccer match last week.

First at all i want to tell you, that i was watching the game with a few parents on the side. One man ist a member of the US Army (James xy..)working in Germany for the NATO office.

Out of a sudden there was this objekt in the clear blue cloudless sky. a few planes colored by the evenig sun in pink/orange, (can see them on a video too)
i made 3 Videos of the soccer match, by the way..

The objekt was like a spinning top, loudless and bright shinning. it moved quick and was gone..and the shinning get´s more and more brighter too a glare light i never saw before......
the other parents saw it too...

Now i come to the POINT!!

At night i looked the videos from my son´s soccer game .
at minute 1:14 in this video you can see FOR A SPLIT 1/100 SECOND this objekt. it´´s in and out in the same moment.
no incoming no outgoing....

The video i made was before i saw that thing for mayby 10 seconds, so i don´t know that i had that objekt on video!!

If you are realy interested to see the hole video, please come back to me.
send an email or contact med over my mobil

The photo and video are made by my self .
It´s my property and i reserved all rights to it.

Posted 2023-10-28

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