NUFORC UFO Sighting 178287
Occurred: 2023-09-11 19:35 LocalReported: 2023-09-13 07:11 Pacific
Duration: 60 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Chesterfield, NJ, USA
Location details: observer view ground/car / object airborne
Shape: Orb
large, bright white object moving vertically at high velocity, no visual exhaust then vanishes from sight .
Driving in car with daughter from soccer practice single large bright white orb with white glow shoots up in sky. After about a minute object just disappears. First thought was a plane since close to Phili, trenton, and newark but light was too bright and too large to be known aircraft. I checked for any rocket launches reports or military activity known to public since I am very close to Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst. We are used to seeing military aircraft from our farm field and definitely was not one I have ever seen. I am reporting since population is obviously dense in tri-state area and we could not be the only ones that saw this object, just curious to what it was. Object was also seen 9/12 at around 8pm give or take... Will have cell phone in hand now to try and capture if seen again.
Object attributes that piqued my curiosity in relation to my current aviation knowledge:
1. starting position - from our horizon line it looked to start from our perspective 1500 ft
2. trajectory - vertical ~ 80 degrees
3. velocity - increasing at high rate.
4. visibility - object rises and just disappears from sight with no visual fading effect not due to acceleration away from observers
5. size - object from visual perspective high in sky looked to be size between softball and basketball.
6. color attribute - white, blueshift appearance between 4000K and 5700K
7. propulsion - no visible contrail, just a giant orb.
If more information is needed, I can be contacted. Unfortunately, no hard evidence available but would love to know that we are not crazy :)
Posted 2023-10-28
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