NUFORC UFO Sighting 178281
Occurred: 2021-10-30 21:31 LocalReported: 2023-09-13 13:48 Pacific
Duration: only captured with camera
Location: Hidden Springs, ID, USA
Location details: Looking at the big dipper in a north eastern direction in the foothills of Boise
Shape: Disk
Explanation: Camera Anomaly - Probable
I took two photos of the big dipper. I did not look at them until I got home.
My husband and I went into the foothills to look at the night sky. Can't remember if we were looking for something in particular. I took two photos. One showed the big dipper and the other showed this odd form. I have not reported it before because we did not actually see it until we got home and checked the photos. The photos were taken through an open car window facing foothills and the sky.

Posted 2023-10-28
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