NUFORC UFO Sighting 178247
Occurred: 2015-11-18 18:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2023-09-14 15:39 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2 - Military
Location: St. Petersburg, FL, USA
Location details: Wife and I were sitting on the east side of Maderia Beach island, looking over the intercoastal
Shape: Cylinder
While sitting on a bench overlooking the intercoastal, we saw a "tic-tac" "appear" in the sky and flew south. The next day too.
I am retired Air Force, used to be an Aircraft Mechanic, and then a computer repair technician working on Minute Man IIIs, Air Defense Sectors and Intelligence. My wife's father was a pilot for United for 36 years and she spent hundreds of hours flying. My wife and I both saw this, what is now described as a "tic-tac'. We were sitting on a bench that looked back towards St. Petersburg, FL across the intercoastal when the tic-tac appeared out of no-where in a cloudless, blue sky, then briefly stopped, then it flew south, strongly, without any typical winged air craft type motion. No trail no sound. I've seen hundreds of hours of aircraft flight. It moved quickly towards the south and suddenly disappeared. This happened the next day at pretty much the same time and same direction as if it was on a schedule. We've also seen the "tic-tac" like UFO going between the clouds, over the same area of St. Petersburg, FL.
Posted 2023-10-28
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