NUFORC UFO Sighting 178246

Occurred: 2011-08-18 21:00 Local
Reported: 2023-09-14 15:34 Pacific
Duration: Around 10 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Cambridge surrounding area, ON, Canada
Location details: On a country road surrounded by forest

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams

Giant flying saucer type craft seen roughly 20 feet above tree line from inside a moving car. Craft had 1 giant beam of light on trees

My apologies for the lack of location information I have provided as well as the fact that the date is approximated. I saw this craft 12 years ago and only recently learned of this reporting service. I believe it occurred in August 2011 but it could have been July.

I was 16 years old at the time of my sighting and I was working at a local zoo for the summer. I met a girl I got along with very well while at work and one day she asked me to come to her place and hang out with her friends after work, so I did. We ended up hanging out with a couple of her friends and some other people came asking us if we wanted to go check out a “haunted campground” that was apparently nearby. The story of the campground was that allegedly a bunch of kids died in a fire there in the 70s, causing it to then be shut down and subsequently abandoned.

My friend and I went with this group that was driving there. There were 6 people in the car. I have no idea where we drove to because I wasn’t the one driving and I tend not pay attention to where I’m going when I am not driving. I know we drove quite a way but I would say it was within an hour from the city of Cambridge, Ontario. We were driving along country roads through a forest with trees lining either side. The only openings in the trees were spaced out driveways that we would come across every couple kilometres. We saw few other cars on the road at the time.

On the drive, the conversation often dove into topics of which I knew nothing about, such as gossip about the classmates of my friend and her friends. I was the only new person to the group in the car and the only person who didn’t know who they were talking about during many conversations. This led to me being pretty bored and staring out the window at times throughout the drive. At one of these points, I looked out the car window to my right (I was sitting passenger side backseat) and approximately 20 feet above the tree line was a giant flying saucer craft. I would say 100 feet in diameter of the bottom flat part with a smaller, but still substantially large, bulb part coming out the top. The entire perimeter of the craft was lined with small lights that were sequencing on and off and there was one giant spotlight/beam of light emitting from (what I presume was) the front of the craft. The spotlight was pointed down toward the forest and was scanning the trees back and forth. I watched it for about 10-20 seconds.

At this point, I turned to the people sitting next to me in the car, about to tell them everything that I had just seen. However, I thought to myself that I couldn’t tell people that I had just met hours ago that I saw a UFO, they would think I was on drugs. So, before I said anything I opted to check the window again, to make sure it was still there, before I said anything to these people I didn’t know.

When I looked back out the window the craft was gone. There was no hint of the extremely bright spotlight or the dimmer lights that surrounded the craft. I stretched my neck as far as I could to see every angle possible and saw no hint of what I had seen only moments before. Because of this, I never said anything to them for fear of them thinking I was crazy. I have no idea if there was any loss of time because I wasn’t paying attention to the time and I don’t think anyone else was.

As a side note, we did shortly after arrive at the gates of said haunted campground. It looked straight out of a horror movie, wrought iron gates overgrown with weeds and thorns. We didn’t end up going in because my friend and her other friend chickened out and we drove back.

To this day, 12 years later, I have never seen something comparable to what I saw that night. I have never seen another glimpse of anything that resembles a “ufo” or any other strange phenomena in the sky.

Posted 2023-10-28

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