NUFORC UFO Sighting 178236
Occurred: 2023-04-07 23:32 LocalReported: 2023-09-15 00:46 Pacific
Duration: About one hour
No of observers: 1
Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Location details: My home
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Landed
It flew into my back and I was in the middle of this ALIEN.
Okay this ALIEN that flew into my back yard I was outside late at night it was raining when I noticed about ten purple lights on the edge of this cloud it was like they were trying to get my attention they got it and while I was watching I noticed in the corner of my eye from the left a very big bright light looked like a really big ball of light and as I watched this light shoot across the sky it came over to the purple lights and it slowed right down and this ball of light started to like blow up these purple lights up and I couldn't believe my eyes when it finished blowing up those lights it turned around and started to go back to that it came from as I was watching this all happen it got very close to the cloud to where it came from it suddenly turned around and it came straight for me it was so fast I didn't have time to hit the ground by the time I hit the ground it was over me I thought I was going to die so while I was lying on the wet grass I noticed this ALIEN thing going through the trees and the fence with out doing any damage to any thing as I was on the ground I was watching this thing gently and slowly come to a stop so it took me about 30 seconds before I slowly got up and turned around and when I stood up I couldn't make head's or tails what I was looking at absolutely shit scared it was a very scary time I have never even been so scared in my life and I know exactly where they are and what they have shown me I still can't believe it but it's like we are friends it's a long story and I can prove everything I have videos of this ALIEN. Many videos and they also have invisibility but I now know how to see them when they are invisible they also travel through a invisible tunnel that's up in the sky. That's it for now if you would like to know more contact me boy do I have a story and they are here by the thousands and thousands.

Posted 2023-10-28
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