NUFORC UFO Sighting 178225

Occurred: 2023-09-10 23:45 Local
Reported: 2023-09-12 13:01 Pacific
Duration: Say...8mins
No of observers: 1

Location: Spokane, WA, USA
Location details: Quiet, clear evening out. Uneventful entirely...

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Changed Colo

Red and blue 'flashy flash flashy floo' lights above. Did see you them too?

Beginning last nite say approx. 23:45hrs or so as I sat in the River Park Square park, taking in yet another clear, highly visible sky and as it and they go someway, somehow on or in a frequency! that has repeatedly (over the years) pinged me, "Hey Ry?" and always (varied, typically) directing my gauze to the area or direction that very specific, lowww frequency they utilize, and again last nite I mostly whipped my head to the right and upwards and 'flashy flash flashy floo' red, flash! a very distant appearing 'star' ...huh. and out loud in moi mind, "did ANYONE observing or on this freq. see that?" Whoa...

And then not more than two more times a red flash! on two other 'star' appearing points in the nighttime sky. And two very very obvious, distinct blue, not so much a flash! and certainly not any prior observed transition in the darkness above ever observed by me prior. 'NEW!' Like an all of a sudden blue dot over that bright 'appearing star'.

And then about at that point in time my mind went to one specific caveat about UAP's in their observable, operational wherewithal that they do, can, have and will position themselves in front of the viewable (from Terra Firma) star at whatever distance and essentially utilize that celestial object ( observable star- twinkle twinkle!) as in-flux camouflage (morphing) using the position in the sky and appearance to post up and observe. IMO.

- Fin

Posted 2023-10-28

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