NUFORC UFO Sighting 178211

Occurred: 2014-12-25 18:02 Local
Reported: 2023-09-12 08:27 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Branksome, Poole, United Kingdom
Location details: Home garden

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Changed Colo

2 separate sighting detailed below, bright globe in the sky, larger than a star and moving so took video on my phone on both occasions

Was in my garden smoking and saw a light that seemed to sparkle and omit light variances whilst moving slowly across the sky, different to a plane and moving in a non-linear route, speed and direction of travel altered a few times as it moved, couple times sped up or seemed jump from one place to another and then went backwards direction, so I took video with my phone so I could zoom in afterwards on the image. Can see the shape, colours, radiance from the video attached. Note direction of the item seen was SE/ESE from my location. Didn’t report till now as didn’t know how to, had googled ways to report/question potential sightings but of course search results returned are just a flood of nonsense websites, just heard of this organisation so decided to report. I had a second similar sighting 7 months later, 01Aug2015 at 10:39pm BST from same location and object seen in same direction. Second sighting also videoed and attached, (video is 44 seconds) but the object was quite different to the prior Dec sighting in shape, colours, movement was faster and pretty erratic, appears to split into 2 parts a few times, all shown in the video when zoomed in. Neither time were there any sounds. Also attached screenshot of the info from 1 video (they’re the same) showing info of iPhone camera quality used if that helps (1080p)

Posted 2023-10-28

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