NUFORC UFO Sighting 178201
Occurred: 1979-08-28 19:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2023-09-10 15:23 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 minutes
No of observers: 5
Location: Blacksburg, SC, USA
Location details: Mount Paran Baptist Church off of Hwy 198.
Shape: Oval
Still, silent, dull metallic gray object over church.
I'm not sure there is any research value in reporting a UFO sighting if I cannot remember the exact year it occurred. (I was a kid at the time and I regret so much not recording the date when it happened. ) However, its something I've been wanting to share with a research organization for years now so I'm just putting it out there. My sighting happened in the parking lot of Mount Paran Baptist Church on Hwy 198 in Blacksburg, South Carolina, USA. I think I was between 9 and 12 years old so this would be between 1978 and 1981. As I recall, some of the other witnesses present were the pastor's children. That pastor was only at our church briefly so the date could be pinpointed further if I could look at church records. It was late summer, around 7pm. It was still light outside. Me and several other girls had just gotten out of a GAs (Girls in Action) meeting at the church. It was a weeknight, prob T, W, or Th based on my recollection on when those meetings were held. My mom and some of the others girl's mothers were still in a WMU (Womens Mission Union) meeting in the Fellowship Hall of the church so we were just hanging out in the parking lot waiting for them to get out. Other girls were waiting on parents to pick them up. At some point, we noticed a dull metallic gray object in the sky over the church (or at least over the area between the church and fellowship hall). The object was sitting stock-still, not making a sound. It was sitting lower in the sky than most airplanes would fly. It was sort of capsule-shaped (like medication, not like a NASA space capsule). I almost want to say it had two stubby little wings on it but my memory is fuzzy on that part. From what I recall, it seemed like it may have been tilted up at a 45 degree angle on its side. No visible lights (as I said earlier it was still daylight outside). No movement at all, not even drift so it was not a blimp. It stayed there probably 5 or 10 minutes. Looking back I'm surprised at our reactions. We were not really panicking but we were definitely nervous, some more than others. (I was certainly anxious but I was trying to be cool in front of the other kids.) We were just speculating on what it could be. I didn't actually see it leave. I remember after a point I decided not to look at it anymore because it made me nervous.) I think it was gone before my mom got out of her meeting because my mom did not react to anything unusual. I didn't even say anything to my mom about it on the way home. Later that night, I did tell my parents and my brother (who is 6 yrs older than me) around the dinner table. I'm not sure my parents knew what to think. Their reaction was guarded. My brother tried to explain it away as being an experimental aircraft. I remember he even mentioned that it could be a Harrier AND I remember thinking what in the world would a Harrier be doing over Blacksburg, SC. (I was skeptical for my age.) Anyway, to his credit, he believed I saw something! I have to say that I'm glad I saw it. The experience definitely changed my view of the world and, I think, made me more open-minded person.
BTW, just a few years ago (I don't have the date in front of me but I can look up the date on my work calendar) I thought I saw multiple objects on the way home from a meeting in Williamsburg County. The objects appeared to be a great distance away. I could only see them when they passed through the ring of light around the moon. However, I can't rule out that it wasn't light play from the car dash lights on the windshield. (There were no oncoming headlights.) I really don't think it was a reflection from the dash lights based on the movement (sudden 90 degree turns) of some of the objects but I can't rule it out. Based on the movement, I don't believe they were satellites either. I was with co-workers. One was driving and the other was in the backseat on the phone. They did not notice the objects and I was too chicken to mention to them what I was seeing or to ask them to pull over the car so I could get out and get a better look.
If you think any of the above may have any value as a report(s), feel free to contact me.
Thanks for listening!
Posted 2023-10-28
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