NUFORC UFO Sighting 178199
Occurred: 2011-01-12 05:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2023-09-10 18:24 Pacific
No of observers: 2
Location: Tucson, AZ, USA
Location details: My ex bf and I saw a circle shaped UFO on the other side of city. It was big enough to be visible.
Shape: Circle
I lived in a house on foothills (hills above the ground level). We saw a very large object on west side of Tucson from Catalina Foothil
I was making out with my ex boyfriend in the car at 3 am. We decided to drive to my house at 5 am. I used to live in a house on hills in Catalina foothills and once we got on top of a hill, we saw a very big UFO. It was flying very slowly and then it stopped on the west side. It was very still in the sky. It was big enough to be visible, maybe 20-25 miles away from hills located in Catalina foothills. We were high enough to see the UFO. We don’t remember what month but we do remember it was very early in 2011. We were so far away that we could not see any lights because the sunrise was starting to come up in the sky. We were so far away, but we were able to notice there was a very strange shape on the top of a flying object. It was not fully circle, but very close to a circle.
Posted 2023-10-28
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