NUFORC UFO Sighting 178134
Occurred: 2023-07-13 11:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2023-09-07 15:40 Pacific
Duration: 2 seconds approximately
No of observers: 1
Location: Gilbert, AZ, USA
Location details: Interior hallway of my house
Shape: Sphere
On waking from a late morning nap, I saw a dark sphere the size of a smallish volleyball motionless in the hallway of my home about three feet off the ground and about two feet from the nearest wall, it was a dark metallic ball for three quarters of it with some kind of band of extrusions in a line and the top right quadrant from my line of sight was lighter colored or had a lighter colored overlay in a tonal lighter grayish hue. There was no sound, no motion. On sighting the object I thought to myself - oh that's okay then - and rolled over calmly. As soon as I turned away I thought - oh no that is NOT okay - and whipped back around to look at it again and the metal ball was gone.
Nothing else unusual to report. Later measurement showed distance from where I was to the spot in the hallway was about 16 feet, and my vision at that distance requires corrective lenses which I was not wearing at the time so my impression was therefore blurry. Total view time was a few seconds on waking.
Posted 2023-09-10
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