NUFORC Sighting 178126

Occurred: 2023-09-06 19:15 Local
Reported: 2023-09-07 10:26 Pacific
Duration: Several minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Oakland, CA, USA
Location details: Southeast to Southwest cloudless sky over East Oakland to South of San Francisco

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Left a trail

Oval/Cylinder shaped highly reflective object silently traveled not quite overhead SE to SW

Approximately at sunset 7:15-7:30 while leaving house to take evening walk my spouse and I noticed an oddly shaped object in the cloudless south east sky around 10-11 o'clock if 12 is overhead. Altitude appeared to be less than 10,000 feet. It's shape looked more oval than a cylinder and was highly reflective. Size was less than a 1/4 inch if between my outstretched fingers. It moved silently in a deliberate straight line past our house facing southeast to the southwest traveling maybe a few hundred knots if actually 5,000-10,000 feet in altitude. I ran into house to check flight radar phone app as it moved past however no recorded air traffic was in the vicinity. As it faded from view in the south east over either land south of San Francisco or the Pacific Ocean the now small dot reflected a golden bright light and appeared to leave a faint trail behind. My eyes are often looking up and I enjoy watching birds and tracking planes but this was the most out the ordinary thing I've seen. Thus my first ufo report.

Posted 2023-09-10

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