NUFORC Sighting 178087

Occurred: 2023-09-06 05:28 Local
Reported: 2023-09-06 04:49 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Glenside, PA, USA
Location details: outside on back porch off kitchen

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Changed Colo

Looking up at half moon I saw a dot moving East Southeast which I watched for about 15 seconds which then blinked red and disappeared

I went out on my back kitchen porch as my coffee was brewing to take a look at the moon and predawn sky...

Looking up at the 1/2 moon and red star(Mars I assume) nearby I noticed a dot(light) moving in an East Southeast direction between the moon and the red star(Mars)...

The direction of the object was unusual as it is not a regular flight path of commercial aviation from my regular observations...

There were no blinking lights or other typical aircraft identification signals; no jet exhaust sounds; just a dot of light moving East Southeast...

So I assumed it was very high in the sky or orbital...

I watched the object, moving at a steady speed, for about 15 seconds when it seemed to stop, blink red, and disappear...

The blink of red was followed, I think, by a momentary fade; a millisecond, to orange, before disappearing...

I thought it might be an orbital rocket whose booster fired however there was no visible separation of the object into 2 parts or visual evidence there of...

And after the object blinked red it just vanished...

I checked online regarding rocket launches and there was one reportedly planned, by China, for a launch 3 hours prior to my sighting. Perhaps that is what I saw; the booster firing to lift the 2nd stage into higher orbit...

I don't know if that is what I witnessed. but it was something so unusual that I thought I should report it...

Posted 2023-09-10

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