NUFORC Sighting 178058

Occurred: 2023-09-05 07:00 Local
Reported: 2023-09-05 04:49 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Rochester, IN, USA
Location details: located above city of Rochester, saw it from 405 Madison St.

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Lots of maneuvers!

While on morning break, my mom and I saw a light resembling a star.
It moved rapidly, so we continued to observe it. We noted how controlled it’s movements were and also how far it moved across the sky in a very short amount of time. It was totally silver in color, and we saw it give off red and blue/green lights once it got to a fairly high altitude. They flashed for a moment, and then not again after that. We took several videos and noticed it’s disc shape and how it seemed to defy gravity. It moved unlike any drone, helicopter or jet we have ever seen. It made end over end maneuvers and bounced across the sky, speeding extremely high and coming back down just as fast. I don’t see a place to attach my videos, but I am willing to share them via email.

Posted 2023-09-10

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