NUFORC Sighting 177992

Occurred: 2023-09-02 22:40 Local
Reported: 2023-09-03 08:03 Pacific
Duration: about two minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: New Orleans, LA, USA
Location details: the Bayou St John, Moss St.

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Two bright, unblinking white lights flying toward me rose, banking together then phased out followed by two smaller lights on horison.

A friend and I had just packed up our kayaks after paddling on the bayou St John. I was shaking my friend's hand good evening when I saw behind him two bright white lights. They looked to be less than a mile away above City Park, coming toward us; roughly the width of a commercial plane's wings if it were very near. The lights were unblinking which is why I pointed it out to my friend. As we stood watching and wondering what aircraft had those lights, the lights rose together and appeared to be banking like a plane then phased out as if they flew behind a cloud bank. I could still see stars where the lights disappeared so there was no cloud. There was no engine noise of a commercial jet. We stood and watched to see if they would re-appear and that's when I saw two separate, unblinking lights on the horizon above City Park that raised and faded out one after the other.

Posted 2023-09-10

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