NUFORC UFO Sighting 177586

Occurred: 1964-06-06 11:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-08-15 08:05 Pacific
Duration: 1 to 2 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Hancock, NY, USA
Location details: Along a portion of Sands Creek Road out side of Hancock , NY

Shape: Other

Unknown UFO wingless military jet aircraft flying above highway

A friend and I were fishing on the Delaware River near Hancock NY on a clear spring day in 1964 when we decided to go to another local stream. We were driving on Sand Creek Road to get to the stream. I was driving the car and was on a long straight stretch of the road when there appeared a military still jet aircraft travelling about 100 feet above the middle of the road heading right toward us. It appeared to be a jet plane but there were no wings, tail section or windows. It as aluminum in color and had no lights and made no sound. I decided to pull off to the side of the road and just as I pulled off the road and stopped the craft made an instantaneous right turn with no turning radius. It was only about one of a half mile from us at this point. It must have had some intelligence because it turned to avoid us. We could see very plainly that it appeared to be made of aluminum but it had no windows.

It crossed the field to our right and headed toward a mountain and at this point I thought that it was going to crash into the mountain, but there was no explosion it just seemed to disappear into the mountain. It looked to be a solid object but how could it just disappear?

This was not a Tic Tac or some sort of light, it looked like an airplane but with no wings. It did not go very fast but seemed to be going at about 100 miles per hour the whole time. It definitely wanted to avoid us.

This sighting seems to be different than all of the sightings that I have seen in the news lately in that the object looked like an actual modern day 1964 jet aircraft. Potentially this could be very important for military purposes.

Posted 2023-09-10

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