NUFORC UFO Sighting 177514

Occurred: 1993-05-15 11:43 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-08-10 00:04 Pacific
Duration: 5 to 10 minutes
No of observers: 0 - Military

Location: Marine Corps Base Camp Foster, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan

Shape: Other

Slowly hovering over the military base towards the Ocean.

On or about the date above, I was traveling in my vehicle from the base shopping center, Camp Foster Okinawa Japan. It was a very clear day with minimal clouds. As I looked up in the sky, I noticed a large metal colored craft traveling very slowly from the east to the west, the same direction as I was headed. It covered an area approximately 12 to 14 inches on my windshield as I was looking at it. This was around lunch or just afterwards, and traffic was not heavy, but there was lunch traffic. I pulled to the left side of the roadway and exited my vehicle to get a better look. It had a rounded back and gradually became slender towards the front, or the direction it was moving. It was not specifically a teardrop, as the front was not to a point. Reminded me of the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars and it made no sounds and left no trail. As I was looking at this craft, I noticed no one was looking at it, as if I was the only one to see it. It felt like I was looking at this craft for 2-3 minutes, then I returned to my car and drove approximately 200-300 yards to my barracks, all the while continuing to observe the craft as it slowly hovered. I entered my barracks room, opened my window and continued to watch it travel west toward San-A Hamby Town. I dialed the US Air Force Flightline and asked about this thing that I saw flying over base. They told me that they did not have any reports like mine and began asking me to identify myself. I was young and I just hung up to avoid ridicule. I continued to watch this craft until it was over the ocean, and within seconds it was gone.

Posted 2023-09-10

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