NUFORC Sighting 177366

Occurred: 2023-08-05 21:39 Local
Reported: 2023-08-05 23:54 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute roughly
No of observers: 6

Location: Helena, MT, USA
Location details: Object was about a mile up, and many miles south of Mount Helena

Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Fiery "ball" object seen way up in the distance - it hovered in one spot, then moved to the east maybe 1000 yards and paused again.

To the naked eye, and at 10x true optical zoom, the UFO was a fiery ball, way up in the night sky. It hovered South of Mount Helena, beyond the city of Helena, for about 30 seconds it stayed in place, then it gradually moved laterally to the east and stayed there for about another 30 seconds before vanishing. 6 people saw this. I took a photo at 10x zoom, and it still looks like a fiery sphere-shaped object, though when I zoomed in to 100x zoom, it appears to be more rectangular with a darker center (giving me the thought that this object is outputting a very strong coronal glow. After taking the last photo, the object disappeared 10 seconds later.

Posted 2023-09-10

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