NUFORC UFO Sighting 177321

Occurred: 1964-08-30 20:06 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-08-03 12:00 Pacific
Duration: 1/2 HOUR
No of observers: 5

Location: Bronx (Whitestone Bridge (driving toward), NY, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object

Saw the object about 5 miles from the bridge and the while on the bridge.

The five of us were returning from Albany State College where we dropped off a new student. From a distance of about 5 miles from the bridge, an object came into view. It looked to be a lighted blimp standing still about 500 feet above the bridge.

It remained in view throughout our travel to the bridge, and then it moved to be actually above the bridge when we were under it. No sound could be heard emanating from it.

It made sudden moves up and down, then left and right while remaining above us on the bridge. It moved in ways that cannot be explained like any other airship or floating object we had ever seen.

It was silver in color and dwarfed that area of the bridge we were on. I would estimate that it covered about 15%-20% of the size of the entire bridge length. It was probably 50-60 feet in height from top-center to bottom.

If I were to guess what they were doing, it was simply observing the scene as well as the vehicles traveling thereon.

We tried to take photos but our camera had used all our film.

It was remaining aloft and its circle of white lights (spaced like a string of pearls), were continuously spinning in a counter-clockwise manner.

The ship looked like two very sleek pie plates on top of one another, with its lights rotating around its center.

It was quite a bit wider than the bridge and when we looked at all the other cars' passengers, they were all mesmerized, like us, staring at this object. How it was that nobody lost control of their vehicle I will never know!

When it began to move, it quickly flew ahead of us and traveled over the entire bridge and stayed above the lights of both the bridge and the Northern State Parkway (or LIE) below.

Following the lights, it turned left and began to follow the parkway eastward towards Long Island. While it was relatively still or slow-moving while above us, it sped up and was gone in an instant.

When I arrived home I called the police and the military base then located on L.I., but neither would acknowledge hearing from anyone or verifying the sighting.

To my knowledge, nothing was ever confirmed by newspaper or TV and radio.

Of the original people in the car with me, I believe there is only one other person still alive (I am 77 years of age).

Posted 2023-09-10

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