NUFORC Sighting 177191

Occurred: 2023-07-29 01:30 Local
Reported: 2023-07-31 12:38 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Cedar City, UT, USA
Location details: West of cedar cit6

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Two headlights that were not blinking, hovering across the railroad track. It turned red when I stopped to video it.

Driving on a dirt road to one of my job sites, I seen two lights like headlights shining at me on the other side of my equipment I fuel at night. Once I got to my equipment, I got my phone out to record, the object turned red, and stated to move north west. I videoed the object until a helicopter passed over me in my fuel truck. I felt safe to get out then, so I started my truck up, engaged my PTO fuel pump, reved my truck to 1200 RPMS and got out. My truck has an idle shut off, so when the PTO is engaged, the truck will not shut down. As I was out, Taking numbers from the equipment, my truck shut down. I was in shock, this has only happened one time before in deep snow. The electrical plug, was pulled off due to ice, this time, I hadn't drove over anything that could have ripped that plug off! The hair on my head stood up, I was not alone, and now, my work lights were off. I walked around my truck, looked under it to see the wire hanging as if something pulled it off to get me in the dark alone.
I plugged it in, started my truck up, only to see three helicopters flying around where the craft was hovering.

They are not here for peace and love, they tried to possibly contact me, attack, or abduct me. I had a armed encounter with a flying saucer when I was 14, 1989, hunting elk above deer creek. These whistle blowers, have not been on the ground in the daylight, having their saucer in their cross hairs, I have. They are not going to stop now. I can not fuel at night armed, it is against company policy. My truck has strobe lights, and bright halogen work lights, they know my location nightly. The feds may need to watch me fir a few weeks from a distance at night. PS they are on the ground now, I feel they are not just watching us, they are here for more this time.

Posted 2023-09-10

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