NUFORC UFO Sighting 177173
Occurred: 2023-07-15 20:47 LocalReported: 2023-08-01 07:22 Pacific
Duration: For about 15 minutes
No of observers: 5
Location: Vela Luka, Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia (Hrvatska)
Location details: Picena Bay Restaurant, Vela Luka
Shape: Circle
We noticed round blurry object in clear sky bouncing and shifting locations.
While having diner, people around us noticed blurred white circled unknown object bouncing in the sky and changing locations fast, being seen on one location standing still, then shifting to another location in the sky. Sometimes it was very visible and sometimes it looked like "it dived deeper in the sky". We were surrounded by people seeing the same object and seeing yesterday's article about British pilot seeing the identicaly described object in the Slovenian sky, we decided to let you know that we also have it recorded. It was definitely not any light play in the sky, as the sky was clear and just before the sunset, the object was strangely changing locations in the sky. In first and second second of a video you can notice whitish circled object on one location, and in 11th second it being seen northeast from the initial location.
Posted 2023-09-10
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